Friday, March 11, 2011

Cabin Fever & Future Friday

With the feeling winter is never going to end and spring break popping up on college campuses nationwide, it's not surprise cabin fever is here!  Living in the glorious state of Ohio, or should I say SNOWhio, the cold and snow really never seem to end.  I'm getting the extreme itch to travel, but unfortunately that college kid budget interferes with brilliant travel plans I've thought of.  So instead of gearing up to go out and explore, I figured I'd just talk about travel some more! (Yes I just made a cheesy rhyme.) 

What I really want to talk about is the blog.  I've finally come down to some ideas to keep the blog evolving.  My habit with any social site, or journals for that matter, is that I am terrible at keeping perfectly up to date on it.  I really would love to write everyday, but I get distracted easily or usually have about 5,000 other things to do.  With this in mind, I am going to attempt to abide by some fun plans I have to keep consistency, new entertainment, and hopefully staying current with everything.  I've thought of corny subjects for each day of the week, travel related of course, that will bring new topics within in the travel world each day (if I can keep up!):
Snoozy Sunday--Sunday is a lazy day, this day is open to whatever really!  I'll probably just cover things going on, or maybe a trip that I can't stop thinking about.  Sunday is really a wild card day.
Manic Monday--Since Monday is always a crazy day to swing back into things of a work or school week, why not write about some crazy and "manic," experiences that have happened during a trip?
Tip Tuesday--Every Tuesday receive a travel tip!  Plan exciting, affordable, and sensible trips.
Website Wednesday--Oh the world wide web, so many hidden treasures and flops.  There are good travel websites, mediocre travel websites, and sadly some horrible travel websites.  Which ones should you stay true to?
Throw-back Thursday--THROW-BACK!  Reminisce on previous trips!  Now this may seem redundant since I obviously talk about trips I've been on, but I'm talking years and years ago.  I'll talk about silly trips I went on when I was younger, fun memories and scary memories.
Future Friday--Where in the world will I travel next?
Silly Saturday--Funny and silly moments from trips, or even planning trips.

Of course I may not be on everyday, but at least topics will change and make what you're reading a little more exciting (at least I hope so!)  So in honor of Friday, I'll take a brief moment to talk about one future trip.  I'm excited to announce that I will be heading to Washington D.C. for time number 5 or 6 this April!  Actually, I'm going for scholarly, nerdy purposes which makes the trip more exciting.  I'll be presenting research with my research group at a communication conference which I think is pretty exciting.  It's also a really great excuse to get out of school and work for a few days.  Plus we get to explore our nation's capital, which is no doubt one of my favorite things to do!  I started visiting Washington D.C. when I was in 5th grade, and actually have two trips coming up this year.  There's just something I love about visiting D.C., I find something new every time.  Here are some pictures from some of the more recent trips (if only I had the embarrassing pictures of me in D.C. back in 5th and 7th grade near by!):
Memorial Day Weekend 2008

Memorial Day Weekend 2010

And my favorite view...
Photo taken Memorial Day Weekend 2008--Arlington National Cemetery --over looking the capital.
(not the best picture, and definitely doesn't give this view justice)

And on a sad closing note--please keep Japan in your thoughts and prayers after dealing with a tsunami and an earthquake.  Also keep Hawaii & California in your thoughts and prayers as well, the tsunami waves may be heading their way.  That's all I have today--have a fantastic Friday :)

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